

Learn the basics of how to harness the energetics of the moon cycle to uplevel your manifestation skills using your astrological birth chart during a live 90 minute Zoom call.

Includes a 3 page personalised report, and an oracle card reading.

BONUS: One month’s access to the Moon Manifestation Academy (valued at €44).


I just had the most fantastic Moonology Reading with Tracey! It was packed full of insight as Tracey explained how using our natal charts can not only explain our personalities and behaviours, but also help us map what is in front of us to maximise the potential of harnessing the power of the moon in alignment to our strengths. Tracey is kind, has patience and is highly intuitive. Thank you it was so amazing I've been researching more about it - fascinating and so helpful! 💜
Moonology client

What is Moonology?

Moonology is where astrology meets the conscious intention to harness the energetic tides of the moon for the purposes of amplifying your manifesting powers.

It follows the cycle of the moon from setting our intentions and making our wishes at the New Moon, to taking action through the waxing cycle, climaxing at the Full Moon where we assess what is and isn’t working, express our gratitude and recognise our blessings, and consciously and intentionally choose to release and forgive what no longer serves us, and then finally, as the moon wanes we continue to emotionally, mentally, physically and spiritually declutter and make space to welcome in abundance and the new intentions we wish to set at the following New Moon.

Each moon is “flavoured” by the zodiac sign that it’s transiting through at the time of the New and Full Moon, and this is where we have the power to harness the energetics of our own personal birth charts to amplify and focus our intentions and forgiveness practices.

Originally developed and channeled by renowned astrologer Yasmin Boland, Moonology has its roots deep in the history of the divine feminine, wise women, healers, medicine women and our maternal ancestors who intuitively followed and worshipped with the cycles of the moon.

Moonology brings back the maternal wisdom we lost through the burning times, and restores to us the intuitive knowing our mothers, grandmothers and great grandmothers were afraid to teach us because they learnt the hard way that maintaining their silence was the only way to protect us.

But the world has changed, and we are finally realising that the time for silence has ended. We are ready to step up and embrace the power we’ve always held inside, but have been disconnected from for so long.

And so by reconnecting with the moon cycles, and harnessing its natural rhythm, flow and energetics we not only remember, re-align, and become more complete, but we allow ourselves to dream bigger and manifest more powerfully because we’re no longer restrained by the paradigms of fear.

Instead we allow ourselves to be governed by love, gratitude, faith and forgiveness, and raise our vibration from a frequency of scarcity, fear and lack to one of love, abundance and possibility.

Because our relationship with the moon is so personal, and often led by our intuition, you don’t need any special knowledge or skills to start reconnecting with the moon. For some people, though, it can help to have someone help guide you on your journey, and that’s where I come in.

I just had a Moonology reading with Tracey and feel really inspired and motivated! I now have a clear plan and structure within which to work with the moon/astrological energies over the next 12 months with specific dates highlighted, relating to my own personal chart where the energies will be optimum for manifesting and releasing. Tracey expresses herself really clearly with both knowledge and intuition so it was really easy to understand exactly what I should be looking out for and taking action on and when. It also comes with a beautifully presented chart for future reference. The reading itself is in 3 sections and includes an oracle reading so it goes pretty deep. I would highly recommend.
Moonology client

Why am I the perfect person to help you?

In 2020, during the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, I felt an intuitive pull to reconnect with my spirituality. I’d embraced it many years earlier, in my 20s, but it was at a time long before it became mainstream acceptable and you were considered a “crazy pagan” for stepping outside society’s pre-defined lines of acceptability – it still wasn’t safe to be seen – and so when my children were born I was encouraged to put aside my “childish” whims as I became a mother.

The whisperings of my soul had been calling for some time – in truth, for quite a few months before the pandemic – and during lockdown the pull became too strong to ignore.

It started by offering tarot readings – for money even! – which I’d only ever done for friends and myself before. Each and every reading told me the same truths: that I was channelling and accessing wisdom from my higher self.

I discovered the works of Rebecca Campbell and Yasmin Boland, initially through their oracle decks, and fell in love with their work.

And then the Universe presented me with two opportunities that I instinctively knew had been put specifically in my path.

The first was a 3 day website challenge, where the host was giving away a prize that included Rebecca’s Work Your Light Oracle deck and her book, Light is the New Black, and a copy of Jen Sincero’s You’re a Badass at Making Money.

I can’t tell you how, but I KNEW this was for me, and I was determined to do whatever it took to win that prize. And through the powers of manifestation (belief and inspired action!) I bloody did. It was mine. Reading Light is the New Black was like discovering Rebecca had written the words straight from my soul (only 5 years earlier!). It blew my mind, and opened me up to receive even more. (I also loved Jen’s book, and have since gifted copies to a number of clients and friends who I’ve felt could benefit from her sassy wisdom!)

And then came the second opportunity:

I had been coveting Yasmin’s Moonology deck for quite some time (and had already purchased her books on my kindle), and when a competition was announced as part of the launch of her 2021 Moonology Diary release, the prizes on offer were 1 of 10 copies of her oracle deck AND a signed copy of her Moonology book and a Grand Prize of a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to win a personal destiny reading with Yasmin!

To be honest, I wasn’t even thinking about the Grand Prize, I just knew that one of those oracle deck/book sets was meant for me! This was everything I’d dreamt of, so I set my intention and took all the inspired action possible to make sure that I was not just in the running, but had gone above and beyond for one of those prizes. And this is where the magic happened – the Universe (and Yasmin!) not only rewarded me with my heart’s desire, but I also won the Grand Prize!

A personal destiny reading with Yasmin herself.

This time with Yasmin, during our reading, literally changed the course of my life (although I didn’t know it at the time!). I’d already been coaching, and manifesting for quite some time (I’ve always been a natural manifestor even when it was subconsciously done!) and Yasmin confirmed for me that not only was I a master manifestor, but that I was on a pathway that was exactly right for me. She shared insights and opened my eyes to a new world of opportunities that revealed I was playing too small and too safe!

And so in 2020, in the middle of the pandemic, I harnessed my own powers of manifestation to win not one, but TWO oracle decks in separate competitions. Both times I KNEW without a doubt that these opportunities had been *for me*. I was meant to see them, and I knew I would win before I even entered. And I did.

Yasmin told me that I needed to make this a part of my story. I ended up training under Yasmin to become one of her Certified Moonologers, and as 2021 unfolded it became an increasingly large element within my coaching practice.

My passion for the moon cycles, combined with my pre-existing manifestation skills and coaching experience are powerfully illustrated through my own journey of evolution and discovery and demonstrate why I’m the perfect person to guide you, and others like you on your own path of discovery and reconnection with your own innate wisdom and moon manifesting powers.

I had my birth chart read my Tracey recently and it was truly awesome and hugely beneficial🙏🌙🌒. Tracey sent me my charts to look at before the session and she took the time to explain it all in depth. She is so knowledgeable and has a real passion for Moonology which made the session easy to understand, fun and uplifting, I have three beautiful charts and lots of info to match my manifesting around my houses, rising signs and wishing moon. Tracey also did oracle cards readings which was a lovely end to the session. Tracey is very patient and has such a beautiful calm energy that I felt no question was a silly question. She is highly intuitive, insightful and wise beyond her years. I would highly recommend Tracey. I have lots of information to go away and research which I’m really excited about 🙏xxx
Moonology client
Highly recommend this. Tracey Rampling is intuitive and uses these tools to give you a fascinating road map guided by the moon. 💜🌲
Moonology client
I had a call with Tracey and she was on the spot! Everything she said about me was on point and I definitely recommend her if you're looking for a reading for yourself or anyone in the network. She planned out my whole 2021, month-wise, and discussed everything I'm supposed to do in order to get my dreams to come true. I'm definitely gonna implement the things she suggested and I know, I will be at a better place in the near future 🙂
Moonology client

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